Tuesday, June 2, 2009

whale watching

I know I know there are no whales in the indian river bay... but let the little guy have some fun...
on May 20 2009 a 50,000 pound Sei Whale washed up on the beach the ocean side of Dewey Beach here is a picture and news article from the local paper...

DEWEY BEACH — A 50,000 pound sei whale, one of the the largest marine animals to ever become beached in the area, has washed ashore in Dewey Beach, officials said.
According to Suzanne Thurman, executive director of the Marine Education Research & Rehabilitation Institute, Inc., the whale was reported by a beach goer on Conquest Road this afternoon. The 37-foot juvenile male has been dead for days, she said, noting that she and her volunteers are now on site collecting samples to determine the cause of death. Tractors are on site to move the animal, which is still rolling in the surf.According to Thurman, the species is considered a large whale and is a member of the Baleen family. "This is the first (whale of this size) that has been stranded," she said. " We'll be here for hours."According to Thurman, Sei whales typically reach 57 feet and about 70,000 pounds.

thank God I wasn't boggy boarding (could u see me on a boggy board) I would have been the one the they were writing the article on... when that happened....
could you imagine...
just happily floating along in the water and KABOOM HELLO WHALE
I would have had a heart attack right then and there or their????... i just know it...

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