Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Meet twiggy

From Downloads

This is my Dwarf Mayer lemon tree... As you can see from the pictures why I call her twiggy... She started out last year great... She came in the mail (yes from QVC) and she was just a little twig... Poor little thing but boy did she take off... She sprouted lots of leafs... and then came the pretty white flowers.... WOW did they ever smell wonderful kind of like a tropical beach scent... Then came the Christmas 08 massacre... It starts with one leaf then 2 than 3 the 5 then ALL of them fell off twiggy... Maybe she was mad because I didn't get here a Christmas present??? I thought she was Jewish??? Oh well what to so she sat in my dining room all winter long... Then I put her out side close to the trash can because that was going to be her next stop if nothing happened...

From Downloads

1 comment:

Holly Myers said...

HA ha ha!!!! You're on a roll now!! Having fun yet?