Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Where in the world is Beach weather

I don't know about you all but I m sick and tired of winter and this cold spring... I want to be sitting on the bay enjoying the sunshine and the warm weather that goes along with it... the taste of a cold beer and seafood of any kind... and the fellowship of great friends...

Here in Harrisburg PA, it's been cold and when it's not cold it's raining... the older i get the more i cant stand the weather change... so sorry i don't mean to complain but it been a cold and damp winter... and if anyone says, OHHH we have not had a bad winter in years... please keep that to your self... thanks for letting me vent and i will try to keep it to a short gripe... and not travel back down this road... so i hope the pictures will help me get over this little bump in the road....

can you feel the warm sunshine???

See you all on the Beach

OK OK i m feeling a little warmer... how bout you all???

1 comment:

Just Me said...

I went to the Jersey Shore for Easter and although it was cold and rainy on Saturday and cold on Sunday, I still went to the boardwalk to soak me up some beach... C'mon summer!